Thanks for the Mention

Regular readers might remember a post I did a few weeks ago entitled Instead, I'll Let You Be the Judge, in which I published my deleted comments from a blog post by a FileMaker programmer.This morning, I was thrilled to receive a mention in post entitled Passing the Torch of Value Pricing by a consultant in the FileMaker community named Jonathan Stark. To Jonathan, I wish to express my thanks for the mention. I had trouble posting a comment, so I thought I would just mention it here.In addition, a shout out to Kirk Bowman, another FileMaker consultant who I met for lunch shortly before his presentation at a FileMaker un-conference. I hope to post his slides and the audio from his session in a future post.Jonathan and Kirk, thanks for advancing the cause!

Ed Kless

Ed Kless joined Sage in July of 2003 and is currently the senior director of partner development and strategy.

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Right idea, wrong thinking!


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