The Best Damn Evaluation Form Ever Created - Revisited

Just because it is the best damn evaluation form ever, does not mean that it cannot be improved.After using it for a few months and have after action reviews regarding it, Ron came up with a great idea — add the ability of the faciliator to evaluate the participants. So, that is what we have done. We have added a question at the end asking if the participant would want the facilitator to provide feedback.Personal_Experience_Evaluation_Form.pdfIf the class is small enough (I would think 20 or fewer) the facilitator would email a few sentences to those willing to receive feedback. The facilitator would take class participation and the intellectual capital growth displayed on the evaluation itself into account. If the class were large or of very brief duration (one hour or less) the facilitator would provide the entire class with an evaluation of the class as a whole.

Ed Kless

Ed Kless joined Sage in July of 2003 and is currently the senior director of partner development and strategy.

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