And meanwhile, on the Beeb...

Gucci HandbagLying in bed last night having a listen to the World Service on the BBC (as you do when you're an exciting accountant), I happened across a very interesting program on pricing.Being a rampant technophobe, after about 5 minutes, a link to the broadcast was sourced and it is available here.I recommend you have a listen to it as there are some worthwhile observations through the broadcast - particularly when it comes to Gucci pricing their new handbag. It may surprise some readers to find out that the cost of manufacture had little (nothing) to do with eventual sales price which was set by the customers! The reporter on the job seems to take some umbrage at this, however the earnest Gucci rep explains it quite simply.

Matthew Tol

Matthew is a founder of mta optima in Ballarat, Australia.

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Two posts about killing the timesheet


Professional Firm, Decouple Thyself