Pricing on Purpose in the FileMaker Pro Community

About two months ago in a post entitled, Thanks for the Mention, I spoke about consultant Kirk Bowman of MightyData, LLC.

Recently he participated in an UnConference of FileMaker Pro developers and consultants. He has been kind enough to share the video of his presentation. I think you will agree that Kirk did a great job. Here is his introduction to the session:

At DevCon 2009 I participated in a business panel discussion as an advocate for hourly billing. Since then I researched value pricing and found it to be superior in several ways. Would you like happier clients? More profitable projects? Less administrative burden? I'll explain why I have adopted this model for my company and what the advantages are. Also, I'll address the different challenges implementing value billing for a sole proprietor vs. a company. I'll show how I have adapted it to our company including an overview of the sales and proposal process. One thing I have learned and am anxious to discuss with the group, is whether you use value based billing or not, thinking about it will improve how you do business.

Value Based Pricing from PauseOnError on Vimeo.

Thanks, Kirk!

PS - I LOVE the idea of an UnConference!

Ed Kless

Ed Kless joined Sage in July of 2003 and is currently the senior director of partner development and strategy.

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