Your Vote Needed – Best Timesheet Video

Below is a list of videos I found on youtube that are related to the timesheet with a link to a playlist I created if you want to view them consecutively. Please view them and let us know which is your favorite.

  1. Do your timesheet by joebeegnish – This would be funny if it were not serious.
  2. Time Sheet Song by liltam21 – There is even a song about this…
  3. Time After Timesheets by PaulDesRosiers – …and a cover/parody of a real song…
  4. Time sheet drama by pumpkin1017 – …and a cartoon version…
  5. timesheet by manuviora – …and even one en Espanol!?
  6. May Timesheet Reminder by tracywald – Yes, Godfather parody…
  7. June Timesheet Reminder by tracywald – …and a Matrix parody. This is a whole series from one person. I wonder what she puts on her timesheet when producing these.
  8. Gordon filling out his Timesheet by 94WYSP – An absurdist drama…
  9. Saw Timesheets by hordeman70 – …and a horror flick.
  10. How to Create Stickies Timesheet Reminders by tsgvids – Funny for its unintentional earnestness.
  11. Workamajig Creative Management: Angry Men by workamijig – Because "creatives" love filling out timesheets online.
  12. Timesheets by BereaCollegium – Finally, the truth!!!

So which one is your favorite?Bonus question: If you fill out a timesheet, what did you code watching these to?

Ed Kless

Ed Kless joined Sage in July of 2003 and is currently the senior director of partner development and strategy.

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